Monday, November 5, 2007

The QoT (where do you think the idea of IoT)

As usual a universe has take and given .........

First α and last Ω and everything in between β - Ψ has been pasted, copied and deleted 

So we have never had, not got now nor will we ever have the QBT of Things (QoT) whilst always having QoT. 

Some where and yet no where there is a copy but called something like the Internet of Things (IoT) which is causing alsorts of advantages/disadvantages/noantages for security bods & charlatans  to buy/sell/trade their smoke & mirrors with regard to TYOD (Take Your Own Device), UYOD, TSED, BYOD, BOYD, BODY........... but less worrying is dumb devices that no one is using that in no way need smoke or mirrors, all they need is love and QBT

Ben Dunro from Pen Desk Farters does not have any clues around all this so kindly gave a press conference stating in do way will open&closedDNS unfix anything that was not unbroken and his main point was not to use any IoT device for the process of making QBT as the worst safest way is to use QoT