Friday, November 5, 1976

Master or Mistress in QBT

Master or Mistress in QBT 

There have been no requests to create a non-certificiation in QBT therefore we will create a certificiation

MoQBT.ppf will be the premium lack of certificiation for Quantum Bubble Tea drinking for past.present.future 

 Myself and Commander N will be the assessment pannel and awarders of the QBT sticker that will not be seen as it travels faster than light and is everyone and nowhere at the same time, suggesting that they are stuck on the heart of gold  (you can think of QBT as being Infinite Improbability Drive X (times by) ∞)

The cost of this will be: -

1) You surrender all other certificates esp. those from APMG, any related to Agile, Digital, Cyber etc
2) You pay the going fee (to be decided by how much we hate you and love you at the same time)
3) You add QBT into at least every other meeting